How to calm the school and sportsgear chaos in your home!


This week’s goal:

Turn a jumble of homework, sports gear and lunch boxes into an organized system!

As you hit the reset button on a new school year (some of you as far back as early August, ouch!) - there is no better place to start organizing than your pile of kids’ school stuff! Whether you have a kindergartener or a teen, your home will soon resemble a hurricane of papers, water bottles, snack sign-up, soccer cleats and more. Take a few minutes this week to tackle these little piles and you’ll see your hard work add up to a big difference in your own peace & quiet.

Find a spot in your mudroom, pantry or by the front or back door where you can hang up bins or baskets for each child’s paperwork. Be sure it’s at a height that little ones can reach.

Here are a couple of different organizers we found for a great price! HERE and HERE

Iron-on a name tag or letters (like THESE!) that can be personalized for each child and you’re winning at this “file” the papers away game! This is a great spot for your kids to put the papers or permission slips they need to have signed. I also store the classroom info sheet from Back To School Night in ours for easy access to the class schedule, teacher contact info, etc. 

Choose the most convenient spot that your child will actually use. Again, the mudroom or back door entry might be perfect - a good choice is wherever you walk into the house from the car so that it’s easy to grab things and/or drop them off before bringing dirt into the house ,etc.        

When considering how to organize the balls, cleats, shinguards and more - it’s always easier to do so by CHILD, just as you would their hanging homework files. Grab some great custom bins you can personalize (anything with your own name on it makes it more fun!). Here are just a few examples:

  1. Personalized storage bins like THESE  or THESE

  2. Storage cubbies like THESE that can have custom Mabel’s Labels Tags attached to personalize them for each child.

Isn’t it a mother’s worst nightmare to buy that cute GAP poncho or cool Nike jacket for your kiddo and then find that they LEFT IT ON THE PLAYGROUND??? Worry no more! Pick up some of these simple labels, add your kiddo’s name and quickly iron-on. Voila! 

Let’s love the environment together and choose reusable options to pack snacks, lunches and water. We love THIS one and THIS one, but there are great options all over the internet! 

Are your littles so little that they’re at daycare or pre-K? Check out THIS awesome label pack just for that.

Let us know if you tackle your pile and how it went! We want to know!